Kenal Jurnal: Islamic Law and Society


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Islamic Law and Society provides a forum for research in the field of classical and modern Islamic law, in Muslim and non-Muslim countries. The Islamic Law and Society has established itself as an invaluable resource for the subject both in the private collections of scholars and practitioners as well as in the major research libraries of the world. The Islamic Law and Society encourages discussion on all branches of Islamic law, with a view to promoting an understanding of Islamic law, in both theory and practice, from its emergence until modern times and from juridical, historical and social-scientific perspectives. The Islamic Law and Society offers you an easy way to stay on top of your discipline.

[Jurnal Islamic Law and Society menyediakan wadah untuk penelitian di bidang hukum Islam klasik dan modern, baik di negara-negara Muslim maupun non-Muslim. Islamic Law and Society telah menjadi rujukan yang sangat berharga dalam bidang ini, baik sebagai koleksi pribadi para ilmuwan dan praktisi maupun di berbagai perpustakaan utama di seluruh dunia. Islamic Law and Society mendorong diskusi tentang semua cabang hukum Islam, dengan tujuan untuk mempromosikan pemahaman tentang hukum Islam, baik dalam teori maupun praktiknya, dari masa awal hingga zaman modern, dan dari perspektif yuridis, sejarah, dan ilmu sosial. Islamic Law and Society menawarkan cara yang mudah bagi Anda untuk tetap berada di puncak disiplin Anda.]

Open Access: Per article policy (sebagian open, sebagican locked)

Terindeks di Scopus: Ya

Terindeks di WoS: Ya (Emerging Sources Citation Index)

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