Beasiswa S3 dan Posdoc di Hebrew University Yerusalem

Beberapa hari yang lalu, saya sudah sharing lowongan posdoc Islamic studies (masih buka, silakan cek di sini). Kini Hebrew University membuka peluang beasiswa dalam Translation Studies. Saya termasuk rekrutan pertama dalam proyek riset ini (cek di sini). Penelitian kami difokuskan untuk meneliti manuskrip-manuskrip interlinear translation di Nusantara. Kita, di Jawa, mengenalnya sebagai makna gandhul. Sejauh ini, kekayaan literatur kita, atau manuskrip dalam literatur ini, belum banyak disentuh oleh para peneliti.  Kacamata proyek riset kami adalah translation studies, tetapi bersifat interdisciplinary

Untuk tahun ajaran 2022/2023, beasiswa dibuka untuk dua lowongan, doctoral (S3) untuk jangka waktu empat tahun dan Post-doct (satu tahun).

  • The European Research Council (ERC) project Textual Microcosms: A New Approach in Translation Studies is offering Doctoral study scholarships beginning in October 2022. The program is located at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the direction of Prof. Ronit Ricci. It focuses on interlinear translations, texts in one language that include a translation into another written between the lines,  as practiced between the 16th-20th centuries in the Indonesian-Malay World. The project employs the interlinear translation as a theoretical and methodological framework to study religious, intellectual, linguistic, and artistic elements of a culture as they intersect, connect, and diverge on the page. Selengkapnya di sini.
  • The European Research Council (ERC) project Textual Microcosms: A New Approach in Translation Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the direction of Prof. Ronit Ricci is offering post-Doctoral fellowships beginning in 2022-2023 academic year (starting date: October 1, 2022). Scholars who have received their Ph.D. after October 1st, 2017 or will submit their Ph.D. no later than October 1st, 2022 are eligible to apply. Selengkapnya di sini.


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